FIGARO is a program written by the folks at Zymo Research to take the guess work out of deciding what truncation parameters to use with the QIIME2 DADA2 plug-in. A pre-print describing the program and its use is available here. The program is available on GitHub along with instructions for installing a Docker version and a python command line version. I used conda to create an environment for FIGARO and having done so, I can share my FIGARO yml file with you to make it easier for you to install your own FIGARO environment . If you have not created environments before, see my tutorial Conda and Virtual Environments.
Install FIGARO
First, create a conda environment by doing the following:
Open a terminal and move into your home directory. If your installation of miniconda requires it, source
source ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
Then create your own FIGARO environment:
conda env create -n figaro -f figaro_conda.yml
Next, download and install FIGARO by running the following commands from your home directory:
cd figaro-master/figaro
chmod 755 *.py
Notice: I run Ubuntu in WSL2 on Windows 11, and since updating to version 22H2 I get an error when running Figaro that the program cannot find an X display, something like:
qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display Could not connect to any X display.
If you encounter this problem, it can be resolved by running to following command before running
export DISPLAY=:0.0
You can test your FIGARO installation by running the code below from your home directory. Copy and paste it into a file named
and run it. (Alternatively you can download the file with wget
# Test FIGARO installation
# Activate the FIGARO environment
source ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ # If necessary for your conda installation.
conda activate figaro
mkdir test_figaro
cd test_figaro
# Download example files from the QIIME2 tutorial pages
wget ""
wget ""
# Decompress
gzip -d *.fastq.gz
# Rename the files in Zymo format
mv forward.fastq sam1_16s_R1.fastq
mv reverse.fastq sam1_16s_R2.fastq
# cd to installation folder
cd ~/figaro-master/figaro
python -i ~/test_figaro/ -o ~/test_figaro/ -f 10 -r 10 -a 253 -F zymo
conda deactivate
It is not necessary to demultiplex the files for this test. The parameters are:
- -i the input directory
- -o the output directory
- -f the length of the forward primer. Enter 1 if the primer has been removed.
- -r the length of the reverse primer. Enter 1 if the primer has been removed.
- -a the expected merged amplicon length. You could be conservative and give a slightly larger value.
- -F the file name format. The other possible value is illumina.
Several files are written to the output directory:
To get the recommended truncation parameters, view the beginning of trimParameters.json
cd ~/test_FIGARO
less trimParametersjson
In this case, you should see the following:
[ { "trimPosition": [ 143, 150 ], "maxExpectedError": [ 1, 2 ], "readRetentionPercent": 82.1, "score": 81.0979134529512 },
The recommended forward truncation position is 143 and the recommended reverse truncation position is 150. After trimming and truncation, the expected number of errors in the forward read is 1 and the expected number of errors in the reverse read is 2. Using these truncation parameters with the QIIME2 DADA2 plug-in should result in merging 82.1% of the reads.
If you encounter any problems installing and testing FIGARO, please email me for help (see the Contacts page).