Load required packages and data.


Check that samples in otu table and sample data table are in the same order.

## [1] TRUE

Calculate Bray distance matrix and PCoA ordination.

dist.bray <- vegdist(otu, method = "bray")
callieze <- !is.euclid(dist.bray)
ord <- cmdscale(dist.bray, k = 3, add = callieze)

Plot the ordination. Use the gg_ordiplot function from the ggordiplots package to include spiders and standard error ellipses depicting 95% confidence intervals.

plt <- gg_ordiplot(ord, groups = sam$Type, kind = "se", conf = 0.95, spiders = TRUE, plot = FALSE)
plt$plot + ggtitle("PCoA based on bray distances")

Make the same plot with vegan3d functions.

open3d() # Opens a graphic device for the plot.
## wgl 
##   8
par3d(windowRect = c(20, 40, 1000, 1200)) # left, top, right, bottom in pixels
my.color <- c("red", "blue")
ordirgl(ord, size=4, col = my.color[as.numeric(sam$Type)]) # plot points
with(sam, orglspider(ord, Type, col = my.color[1:2], scaling = "sites")) # add spiders
with(sam, orglellipse(ord, Type, col = my.color[1:2], kind = "se", conf = 0.95, scaling = "sites")) # add ellipses
rglwidget() # You cannot run this line in RStudio.

Zoom in and out with your mouse wheel or by holding down the right mouse button and dragging up and down. Rotate the plot by holding down the left mouse button and dragging in any direction.